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Best of Houzz 2023 – Lea Design Awarded Best of Service


Best of Houzz 2023 – Lea Design Awarded Best of Service

The annual people’s choice award recognises professionals among the Houzz community who stand out in both talent and customer service.

[GOLD COAST, Australia], February 23, 2023Lea Design Studio of Gold Coast has won a “Best of Houzz” award for Service on Houzz®, the leading platform for home renovation and design, including the all-in-one software solution for industry professionals. The leading Gold Coast Architecture firm was chosen by the millions of homeowners that comprise the Houzz community from among more than 3 million active home building, renovation, and design industry professionals.

Best of Houzz awards are given annually, in three categories: Design, Customer Service and Photography. Design awards honor professionals whose work was the most popular among the Houzz community. Customer Service honors are based on several factors, including a pro’s overall rating on Houzz and client reviews submitted in 2022. Architecture and interior design photographers whose images were most popular are recognized with the Photography award.

“Best of Houzz 2023” badges appear on winners’ profiles as a sign of their commitment to excellence. These badges help the more than 65 million homeowners and home design enthusiasts on Houzz to identify popular and top-rated home professionals for their projects.

“We are proud to say that winning the award for customer service for the fifth consecutive year is a testament to the significance of positive endorsements from our clients in evaluating our performance as a service-based profession,” said John Lea, Founder and Principal Architect at Lea Design Studio.

“We are thrilled to highlight incredibly talented and customer-driven pros from the Houzz community through the Best of Houzz awards,” said Liza Hausman, vice president of Industry Marketing for Houzz. “At Houzz, we strive to support professionals from building their brands and attracting clients, to managing their business efficiently and profitably, and collaborating with clients. The Best of Houzz awards provide a distinctive mark of credibility for homeowners looking for pros on Houzz. We congratulate all the winners for everything they’ve accomplished in 2022 and look forward to seeing their work and positive reviews in the year ahead.”


About Houzz

Houzz is the leading platform for home renovation and design, providing an all-in-one software solution for industry professionals and tools for homeowners to update their homes from start to finish. Using Houzz, people can find ideas and inspiration, hire professionals, and get advice. Houzz Pro (houzz.com.au/pro / houzz.co.nz/pro) provides home industry professionals with a business management and marketing SaaS solution that helps them to win projects, collaborate with clients and teams, and run their business efficiently and profitably. The Houzz community is made up of millions of homeowners, home design enthusiasts and home improvement professionals around the world. Houzz is available on the web and as a top-rated mobile app. For more information, visit houzz.com.au / houzz.co.nz. Houzz is a registered trademark of Houzz Inc. worldwide.



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